
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

Glowing skin, strong hair and nails thanks to the collagen

    Glowing skin, Strong hair & nails thanks to the Collagen  Beautiful glowing skin, strong nails, long hair...  Sounds like what you are looking for? Then keep reading :-) Your solution called : Collagen.  But what it is and how it could help or why is so important? Here are the answers for all of your questions. Collagen is one of the most abudant protein in our body. It has many important functions, including providing your skin with structure & strenghtening your bones. It is a substance that holds the body together. Our body naturally produces both collagen and hyaluronic acid which is another important element for your beauty of your skin. However, as we age especially after age 35, our body produces less & lower quality of them. One of the visible signs of this in in your skin, which becomes less firm & supple. Cartilage also weakens with age. That's why we need supplements.  It not just helps with antiaging , but elastic of the skin, muscle mass, building b