Glowing skin, strong hair and nails thanks to the collagen

  Glowing skin, Strong hair & nails thanks to the Collagen 

Beautiful glowing skin, strong nails, long hair... 

Sounds like what you are looking for? Then keep reading :-)

Your solution called : Collagen.  But what it is and how it could help or why is so important?

Here are the answers for all of your questions.

Collagen is one of the most abudant protein in our body. It has many important functions, including providing your skin with structure & strenghtening your bones. It is a substance that holds the body together.

Our body naturally produces both collagen and hyaluronic acid which is another important element for your beauty of your skin. However, as we age especially after age 35, our body produces less & lower quality of them. One of the visible signs of this in in your skin, which becomes less firm & supple. Cartilage also weakens with age. That's why we need supplements. 

It not just helps with antiaging , but elastic of the skin, muscle mass, building bones and joint health as well.

Do you have problem with acne? Then stop looking for magic products because collagen, especially marine collagen can help you beyond acne.

But it's not only what kind of supplement or cream do you use but what you eat is also greatly affects the beauty of your skin.

Let’s see the 5 most important food you can’t miss out on your diet if you wish to have a  beautiful  and radiant skin.



I know it’s not food 😊 But it is essential for radiant skin.  One of the most important things is keep yourself hydrated to keep your skin supple. Drink min. 2 liter of water to boost your glow and keep skin functioning at their best



Take advantage of summer and eat as many watermelons as you can. It not only refreshing in the hottest days but it’s an antioxidant bomb also thanks to the beta-carotene and vitamin C found in it.


Omega 3 fatty acid:

It is another important element in order to leave radiant skin. 

These acids are keys to offsetting inflammation, which can lead to skin cell damage, dryness and overall dull appearance. Include into your diet some fish like: tuna, cod, sea bass, shrimps..



It is perfect for breakfast. I personally love it! It also provides selenium which is an antioxidant compound that helps protect cells from damage.

 If it is not enough, oats can also help to lose weight thanks for its high fiber content that help you feel full longer. As it takes time to digest in the body and hence, it tends to burn calories.



 Did you know that kiwi has more Vitamin C than the orange?  Yes , it’s true and vitamin C is the most powerful roles in producing collagen.


   So as you see it is not enough what cream you use on your skin, or supplements you take. Your diet plays an important role also in making your skin beautiful and supple.


Did you know that collagen can minimize postpartum hair loss? And not just this , it has plenty of benefits for mommies!

In my next blog I will talk about these benefits especially for mommies 😊


Meanwhile if you would like to check this amazing and by the way my favorite product  out just click on this link .

Marine Collagen



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